Konuya cevap cer

Arkadaşlar şöyle bir mail geldi,

Dear SuperDecisions software users:


It is our pleasure to invite you to the next meeting of the ISAHP, the International Symposium on the Analytic Hierarchy Process for decision making, themed "Beyond Decision Making", which will take place June 29 - July 2, 2014, in Washington DC.

This is an important announcement as we usually meet every two years, but it has been only one year since the 2013 meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. We are making this change so that the ISAHP meetings will no longer conflict with the Multiple Criteria Decision Making conferences (MCDM) which take place in odd years. After this we will meet every two years as usual, but it will be in even numbered years.

To participate and take advantage of the special rates for the conference you must submit your paper/session proposal before February 1, 2014. See the attached call for papers for additional important details or visit us at ISAHP2014 | Beyond Decision Making: To Build, To Solve, To Innovate.



Enrique Mu

Carlow University

Conference Chair




International Journal of Production Economics

International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process




Paper and Session Proposals open

1 December 2013

(participants will be informed of their submission status on a rolling basis)

Paper and Session Proposal submission deadline

1 Feb 2014

Full papers due

21 Feb 2014

Early registration deadline

31 Mar 2014

Accepted presenters registration deadline

1 May 2014

Final registration deadline

16 Jun 2014

Lütfen deadline lara dikkat ediniz ona göre bildirilerinizi hazırlayınız. İlgilenen ve bildirilerini yollayacak arkadaşlarla (tabi kabul alanlarla) 29 haziranda Washington'da görüşürüz.

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