Cümle Tamamlama ---- that the sun had not illuminated


---- that the sun had not illuminated the earth for more than one hundred to five hundred million years.
A) Thomson’s studies concentrated on the dissipation of energy
B)Thomson is just one of several physicists who were awarded the Nobel Prize
C) Thomson, through his experiments on heat and energy, showed conclusively
D) Thomson was to gain universal recognition as one of the greatest physicists of his time
E) One of Thomson’s earlier research projects was concerned with the age of the earth
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Mr December

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Thomson, through his experiments on heat and energy, showed conclusively that the sun had not illuminated the earth for more than one hundred to five hundred million years.

Isı ve enerji üzerine deneyleri aracılığıyla Thomson, güneşin dünyayı 100 milyon yıldan 500 milyon yıla kadar aydınlatmadığını kesin olarak göstermiştir gibi birşey oluyor çevirince.


---- that the sun had not illuminated the earth for more than one hundred to five hundred million years.

A) Thomson’s studies concentrated on the dissipation of energy

B)Thomson is just one of several physicists who were awarded the Nobel Prize

C) Thomson, through his experiments on heat and energy, showed conclusively

D) Thomson was to gain universal recognition as one of the greatest physicists of his time

E) One of Thomson’s earlier research projects was concerned with the age of the earth

Bu sorunun cevabı C seçeneği olacak, ancak bu soru tipi SON YDS sınavından artık çok uzak. "THAT" ile başlayan kısım bir Noun Clause (NC) oldupu için, kayıp cümle SYTAX (CÜMLE DİZİLİŞİ) bakımında EKSİLTİLİ (ayni nesne isteyen) bir cümle olacağı için, nesnesi kayıp sadece C seçeneği var. Bu sorular artık YDS de CÜMLE TAMAMLAMA bölümünde test edilmiyor. Yani bu tip sorularda cevap 3 saniyede çıkmıyor malesef :( Bu sorunun kaynağı ne merak ettim?