ISAHP 2014 (Çok Ölçtülü Karar Verme ve Karar Analizi Konusunda Lider Sempozyum)

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Arkadaşlar şöyle bir mail geldi,

Dear SuperDecisions software users:

It is our pleasure to invite you to the next meeting of the ISAHP, the International Symposium on the Analytic Hierarchy Process for decision making, themed "Beyond Decision Making", which will take place June 29 - July 2, 2014, in Washington DC.
This is an important announcement as we usually meet every two years, but it has been only one year since the 2013 meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. We are making this change so that the ISAHP meetings will no longer conflict with the Multiple Criteria Decision Making conferences (MCDM) which take place in odd years. After this we will meet every two years as usual, but it will be in even numbered years.
To participate and take advantage of the special rates for the conference you must submit your paper/session proposal before February 1, 2014. See the attached call for papers for additional important details or visit us at ISAHP2014 | Beyond Decision Making: To Build, To Solve, To Innovate.

Enrique Mu
Carlow University
Conference Chair


International Journal of Production Economics
International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process


Paper and Session Proposals open
1 December 2013
(participants will be informed of their submission status on a rolling basis)
Paper and Session Proposal submission deadline
1 Feb 2014
Full papers due
21 Feb 2014
Early registration deadline
31 Mar 2014
Accepted presenters registration deadline
1 May 2014
Final registration deadline
16 Jun 2014

Lütfen deadline lara dikkat ediniz ona göre bildirilerinizi hazırlayınız. İlgilenen ve bildirilerini yollayacak arkadaşlarla (tabi kabul alanlarla) 29 haziranda Washington'da görüşürüz.

İyi çalışmalar...


Arkadaşlar bu sempozyuma bildiri hazırlayanınız varsa bu başlık üzerinden konuşalım yardımlaşalım.

Ben henüz literatür tarama kısmındayım. Bildirimde çalışacağım konuyla ilgili 49 makale buldum ve indirdim. Şimdi onları okuyup analiz ediyorum. 2 haftaya falan biter sonra da yazmaya başlarım. Var mı bu sempozyuma bildiri gönderecek olan. Ne aşamadasınız?


Hocam ne güzel..bende yazın bir yurtdışı konferansa gitmeyi planlıyorum ama..Benim ödeneğim yok maalesef..öyp li değilim.. Malum amerika.. Tubitak bursuyla gidicem bende.. Bunu da düşünebilirim ama.. linkteki konferansa da gidebilirim..Bilemedim yani:)
Home | IFORS 2014


Hocam ne güzel..bende yazın bir yurtdışı konferansa gitmeyi planlıyorum ama..Benim ödeneğim yok maalesef..öyp li değilim.. Malum amerika.. Tubitak bursuyla gidicem bende.. Bunu da düşünebilirim ama.. linkteki konferansa da gidebilirim..Bilemedim yani:)
Home | IFORS 2014

Aman allahım hocam yeni gördüm bu çok feci ya. Metasezgisellerle yapılmış bir çalışmayı kabul ederler mi bunda? Belki buna da katılabilirim ödenek var.

Elimde simulating annealing ile ilgili bir çalışma var kapsam dahilinde mi acaba?


Arkadaşlar ben burada duyuruları yapmaya devam edeyim.

Bildirinin ne şekilde submit edileceği kesin kurallarla belirlenmiştir ve bu kurallara uymak gerekmektedir. Bu kurallar:

Enrique Mu
School of Management
Carlow University
Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Rozann Whitaker Saaty
Creative Decisions Foundation
Pittsburgh, PA, USA


This guide is written to provide information about the different sections expected from paper proposals to be submitted to the International Symposium of the Analytic Hierarchy Process ISAHP 2014. This abstract, along with the keywords should not exceed 300 words. In addition, the total number of pages including this abstract and the following sections (including appendices) must not exceed a total of 5 pages. Also, a more detailed information about spacing, margins, font sizes, headings, references, quotations, and other stylistic features that lead to an appealing visual image is available at ISAHP2014 | Beyond Decision Making: To Build, To Solve, To Innovate. This specific formatting should be used for the paper proposal and if applicable for the follow up full paper.

Keywords: papers, proposals, paper proposal.

1. Introduction
Provide here the context for your study. What motivated you to do this work? What is your research question or overall goal with this study? Why is this important?

2. Literature Review
We do not expect an exhaustive literature review here. However, the reader would like to know which are the 3 to 5 key articles that have informed your study and also your conclusion of what we know (or don’t) about the topic and how this study will fill in that gap.

3. Hypotheses/Objectives
Your study may be trying to prove something or at the very least will have a specific objective (e.g. development of a decision model for a particular problem). Make sure to list them here. The reader must be clear about the specific objectives or hypotheses in your study.

4. Research Design/Methodology
This is an important part of a study. If you are developing an AHP/ANP model, it is important to explain how the model came to be. Typically, a model is based on information of secondary sources (literature review), pool of experts, user surveys, or a combination of sources. It is important that you explain how goal, criteria, alternatives, influences and judgments were obtained. In particular, if the opinion of different people were aggregated, explain how this aggregation took place. Similarly, indicate how you addressed inconsistency problems. Otherwise your proposed model will have a bad start for lack of face validity.

5. Data/Model Analysis
If you are developing an AHP/ANP model, make sure to show the hierarchy or network respectively. Show the judgment matrices or if the model is too big, show sample matrices. Make sure to provide the key indicators (e.g. consistency indices) to ensure your model is valid. Use the graphic to include additional information such as local weights, C.I., etc. Remember the old saying that a good drawing is worth 10,000 words!

6. Limitations
Given the reality of our physical world, no study is perfect. Please, indicate which are those aspects of the study you could not solve satisfactorily and that could weaken the value of your model. What you would different should you have the opportunity to start over? These considerations are important to assess the context of your model validity and also as a way to mentor colleagues interested in this stream of scholarship.

7. Conclusions
Now you have the opportunity to share with the world your contributions. What can you conclude from this study? What are your theoretical and/or practical contributions? How can you be certain of your achievements (e.g. is the model being used?) What are the next studies you would propose in this line of scholarship? How does your contribution fit or differs into (or from) the current stream of scholarship. Make sure that your conclusions are based on the current study and that clearly show an important contribution to the theory and/or practice of AHP/ANP.

8. Key References
List here only those 3 to 5 references that are key for the study at hand. As an example:

Mu, E. (2006). A unified framework for site selection and business forecasting using ANP. Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 15(2), 178–188.

Saaty, T.L., & Peniwati, K. (2007). Group decision-making: Drawing out and reconciling differences. Pittsburgh, PA: RWS Publications.

Saaty, T.L., & Shang, J.S. (2007). Group decision-making: Head-count versus intensity of preference. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 41, 22–37.

9. Appendices
Occasionally, you may want to include appendices such as a survey sample (if data was collected via survey), a picture (e.g. a particular geographical site), etc. Appendices are not needed but if you believe they can improve the readability of your submission, they can be included here provided the total number of pages for your submission does not go above the limit indicate in the first page (short abstract).


Arkadaşlar ben yayını yazdım ve submit ettim az önce. Kabul olacağından %100 eminim çünkü çok orijinal bir çalışma oldu öyle ki bittiğinde hocama gösterdiğimde hocam şaşırıp "oooooo çok feci bir yaklaşım olmuş ya " gibi bir tepki verdi. Biraz sıradışı biraz orijinal fakat geliştirdiğim yeni yaklaşım sayesinde oldukça yararlı bir şey oldu. Açıkçası bu işe başlarken bu yaklaşımın bu kadar iyi sonuç vereceğini hiç zannetmiyordum fakat öyle oldu ve iyi de oldu :) O yüzden %100 eminim kabul olacağından. 29 Haziran'da Washington'da görüşürüz bildirisi kabul olan arkadaşlarla. Iyi forumlar

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