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@mehmetfatih hocam birinci sorunun cevabı C, doğru. ben go fiili ile place benzerliğini pek düşünmemiştim. bu cümleyi bi kalıp gibi de düşünmemiştim, ama mantıklı gerçekten. teşekkürler cevabınız için.


1) Alex: it really seems as if athletes cannot be discouraged.
Frank: why do you say that?
Alex: ____________
Frank: yes, put like that, it really is amazing.

A) oh! I don't know. they have to train so hard and when they are in training they have to eat what they are told to eat. I wouldn't like that, would you?
B) well, a lot of athletes miss a gold medal by one-tenth of a second, and then start to prepare for the next competition.

2) peter: are you going to the opening of that ceramics exhibition?
mavis: ______________
peter: I want to; but I don't want to go by myself.
mavis: in that case, I'll join you.

A) well. I wasn't intending to. are you?
B) I didn't know you were interested in ceramics.
Son düzenleme:


Araştırma Görevlisi
1) Alex: it really seems as if athletes cannot be discouraged.
Frank: why do you say that?
Alex: ____________
Frank: yes, put like that, it really is amazing.

A) oh! I don't know. they have to train so hard and when they are in training they have to eat what they are told to eat. I wouldn't like that, would you?
B) well, a lot of athletes miss a gold medal by one-tenth of a second, and then start to prepare for the next competition.

2) peter: are you going to the opening of that ceramics exhibition?
mavis: ______________
peter: I want to; but I don't want to go by myself.
mavis: in that case, I'll join you.

A) well. I wasn't intending to. are you?
B) I didn't know you were interested in ceramics.

hocam 1b bence. atletler cesaretsizleştirilemez gibi.neden çünkü pek çoğu altın madalyayı saliseyle kaçırır ama sonraki yarışa hazırlanır.
diğeri de a hocam. mavis gitmek istiyorum ama tek başıma değil demiş peter a iş atmış götürsene beni diye o da tamam sana eşlik edicem demiş:)demek ki peter sen gidecek misin diye sordu hocam:)


@hasan0688 hocam verdiğiniz cevaplar doğru. ben birinci soruda PUT LİKE kelimesine takıldım. sırf bu kelime yüzünden A demiştim. bırak hoşlanmayı şaşırtıcı falan gibi bir çeviri yaptım kafamda.
2,soruda ise I wasn't intending diye past kullanması bana tuhaf geldi. onun yerine seramikle ilgilendiğini bilmiyordum. isterim(yani ilgilenmeyi) ama tek başıma gitmek istemiyorum. nedense bana böyle bir çağrışım yaptı bu sorular. yanlış oldu tabi.


Araştırma Görevlisi
put like kısmını ben de anlamadım hocam hatta önce a gibi geldi sonra cesaret pes etmeme falan daha mantıklı geldi.
2 de past kullanmasına çok dikkat etmedim hocam siz söyleyince farkettim:) özellikle diyalog sorusunda gramere değil anlama bakın hocam bana öyle daha kolay geliyor bir deneyin bence


Arkadaslar bir sorum var. As ile while arasindaki fark tam olarak nedir? Mesela asagidaki soruda cevaplarda her ikiside vardi. Bende emin olamadim.Bakarsaniz sevinirim. (Cloze Test sorusu)

_____technology increased and demand for the seemingly vast resources remained high, catches far exceeded the carrying capacity of whale stocks.




Araştırma Görevlisi
Hocam as pek çok kalıp içinde kullanılıyor ama yanlış bimiyorsam while sadece zaman bildiren bir edat. misal they came home while i was playing game. eve geldiklerinde ben oyun oynuyordum da i was playin past cont. tense olduğu için burada while kullanılıyor.yani sürekliliği olan durumlarda while yoksa da when kullanlıyor bu tip cümlelerde.tabi bu liseden kalma gramer bilgisi yanlışım varsa düzltsin diğer arkadaşlar:)


Tesekkurler cevabiniz icin. As dediginiz gibi pek cok kalipta kullaniliyor. Dolayisiyla zaman bildiren durumlarda da kullanilabiliyor. Yani while gibi de kullanilabiliyor. Mesela asagidaki ornegi Cambridge Sozlugunden aldim. Cumlede "as" yerine "while" kullanilabilir. Usteki soruda cevap "as" diyor, "while" neden olmadi anlamadim.

"I saw him as I was coming into the building."


arkadaşlar herkese günaydın;

On 25th of August, the date when she ........... for the charity for exactly twenty-five years, she ........ with a special award.
a) is campaining/ will have been presented b)has campained/ is going to present c)campains/has been presenting d) will have been campaining/ is being presented e) had campained/is presenting

arkadaşlar hangi şık olduğunu nedenleri ile açıklayabilirseniz çok memnun olurum


Ben d secenegi derdim. Cumleyi iki cumle olarak dusunursek, virgule kadar olan kisimda olayin 25 senedir( for exactly twenty-five years) surdugunu anliyoruz. Ikinci cumlede ise anlik bir olay var. Dolayisiyla birinci kisimda perfect lik olmali diye dusundum. Dolayisiyla a,c secenekleri gider. Ikinci kisima baktigimizda she dedigi kisiye ozel odul verileceginden bahsediyor olmali. Odul verme olayi baskasi tarafindan yapilacagindan cumlede passive lik olmali diye dusundum. D seceneginde ikinci kisimda is being presented kalibi var. Zamanlar cok baglantili olmasada ben d derdim. Cevap nedir?


merhaba arkadaşlar pronouns sorusu çözebilen varsa lütfen yardım edebilir mi?
1)After Ben Johnson broke the 100 metre world record at the Olympic Games in 1988,....... was found that he had taken illegal drugs to help ... run so fast.
a)it/him b)he/his c)she/its d)that/his e)he/him

2)As one of the most common forms of communication within an office environment, the memorandum serves as a quick note to convey information from .... section of the company to.....
a)one/another b)the/others c)a/other d)either/all e)all/either


1. sorunun cevabi "a" olmali. Yasal olmayan yollarla ilac aldiginin bulunmus olmasi "it" ile ifade edilir. Ayrica ikinci kisim icin, cumlede "he" gectigi icin bosluga "him" olmalidir.

2. sorunun cevabi "a" dir diye dusunuyorum. From one.........................to another kalibi kullanilmis.


Macro and Microeconomics
Macro and microeconomics are the two vantage points from which
the economy is observed. Macroeconomics looks at the total output
of a nation and the way the nation allocates its limited resources of
land, labor and capital in an attempt to maximize production levels
and promote trade and growth for future generations. After observing
the society as a whole, Adam Smith noted that there was an "
invisible hand" turning the wheels of the economy: a market force
that keeps the economy functioning. Microeconomics looks into
similar issues, but on the level of the individual people and firms
within the economy. It tends to be more scientific in its approach, and
studies the parts that make up the whole economy. Analyzing certain
aspects of human behavior, microeconomics shows us how
individuals and firms respond to changes in price and why they
demand what they do at particular price levels. Micro and
macroeconomics are intertwined; as economists gain understanding
of certain phenomena, they can help nations and individuals make
more informed decisions when allocating resources. The systems by
which nations allocate their resources can be placed on a spectrum
where the command economy is on the one end and the market
economy is on the other. The market economy advocates forces
within a competitive market, which constitute the "invisible hand", to
determine how resources should be allocated. The command
economic system relies on the government to decide how the
country's resources would best be allocated. In both systems,
however, scarcity and unlimited wants force governments and
individuals to decide how best to manage resources and allocate
them in the most efficient way possible. Nevertheless, there are
always limits to what the economy and government can do.


macro and mıcroeconomıcs kelimeleri
vantage üstünlük
observe gözlemek
look at bakmak
output ürün
nation ulus
the way yol,şekil
allocate tahsis etmek
limited sınırlı
resource kaynak
land arazi
labor işci
capital başkent,sermaye
in an attempt to …amacıyla
production üretim
promote ilerletmek
trade ticaret
growth büyüme
generation nesil,üretim
whole tüm
note açıklamak
invisible görülmez
turn döndürmek
wheel tekerlek
market piyasa
force güç,zorlamak
function çalışmak
look into araştırmak
similar benzer
issue konu
individual birey
firm şirket,sıkı
tend to eğilimli olmak
scientific bilimsel
approach yaklaşım
make up oluşturmak
analyze incelemek
certain belli,bazı,kesin
aspect durum,cephe
behavior davranış
respond to yanıt vermek
change değiştirmek
price fiat
intertwine birbirine karışmak
gain kazanmak
phenomena olay
make decision karar vermek
place yerleştirmek
spectrum yelpaze
command emir,emretmek
advocate savunmak
competitive rekabetci
constitute oluşturmak
determine belirlemek
rely on güvenmek
however fakat,ama
scarcity kıtlık
unlimited sınırsız
decide karar vermek
manage yönetmek
efficient etkili
possible mümkün,olası
nevertheless yinede


Colors of Ancient Egypt
Color (Ancient Egyptian name 'iwen') was considered an integral
part of an item's or person's nature in Ancient Egypt, and the term
could interchangeably mean color, appearance, character, being, or
nature. Items with similar color were believed to have similar
properties. Colors were often paired: silver and gold were
considered complementary colors (i.e. they formed a duality of
opposites just like the sun and moon). Red complemented white
(think of the double crown Ancient Egypt), and green and black
represented different aspects of the process of regeneration.
Where a procession of figures is depicted, the skin tones alternate
between light and dark ochre.Purity of colour was important to
Ancient Egyptians and the artist would usually complete everything
in one color before moving on to the next. Paintings would be
finished off with fine brushwork to outline the work and add limited
interior detail.The degree to which Ancient Egyptian artists and
craftsmen mixed colors varies according to dynasty. But even at its
most creative, color mixing was not widely spread. Unlike today's
pigments which give consistent results, several of those available to
Ancient Egyptian artists could react chemically with each other, for
example lead white when mixed with orpiment (yellow) actually
produces black.
ancient eski
consider düşünmek
integral bütün,gerekli
item öğe,parça
term terim,koşul
interchangeable birbiriyle
mean anlamına gelmek
appearance görünüş
believe inanmak
property özellik
pair eş,eşleştirmek
silver gümüş
gold altın
complementary tamamlayıcı
form şekil,şekillendirmek
duality ikilik
complement tamamlamak
crown taç
represent temsil etmek
process işlem
regeneration yenilenme
procession kafile,alay
figure şekil,rakam
depict anlatmak
skin cilt,deri
tone ton
alternate degiştirmek
ochre toprak boya
purity saflık
usually genellikle
complete tamamlamak
move on devam etmek
finish off bitirmek
fine hoş,ceza
outline taslak
interior iç
craftsman usta
vary değişmek
according to -e göre
dynasty hanedanlık
even bile,düz,pürüzsüz
creative yaratıcı
widely yaygın olarak
spread yaygın,yayılmak
unlike aksine
consistent tutarlı
result sonuç
several birkaç
available to ulaşılabilir
react tepki göstermek
each other birbirlerine
lead kurşun,başkanlık
mixed karışık
actually aslında
produce üretmek


"As" ve "while" zaman zarf cümleciği oluştururken (iken) aynı anlamdadır.
Ör. As/While he was presenting the topic, he made use of graphs. (konuyu sunarken, grafiklerden faydalandı) gibi.

1. olarak anlamında > She works as a teacher.
2. gibi anlamında > Do it as I told you. (sana söylediğim gibi yap)
3. karşılaştırma cümlelerinde > She is as clever as him. / She is the same age as you.
4. sebep belirtirken > As he is busy, he may not answer your call.

1. doğrudan zıtlık belirtmek için "whereas" ile aynı anlamda. She prefers tea, while I like coffee.

Örnekler arttırılabilir. "Zaman" açısından aynı anlama sahip olmakla birlikte farklı kullanımları sözkonusudur.
Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...