Dealing with a large potential in health care is often PUT OFF until last minute when the solutions become much more difficult and expensive.
... genellikle son dakikaya kadar ERTELENİR.
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Memnuniyetle kardeşim. Adım Ay.Öz.
Ben de eğer o notu alırsam bir "Kusura bakmayın, herkesi kendimiz gibi sanmışız" bekliyorum
Bir de her sınavdan alamıyorum o puanı. Ortalamam bu civarda. 10+ sınava girmişimdir. Bazen 3 yanlış yaptığım da oldu.
Benim gibi, İngilizceyi seven, kullanan, okuyan bir çok kişinin olduğuna ve bu tür notları düzenli olarak aldıklarına inanıyorum.
Bu çok garip ya da çok olağanüstü bir durum değil.
Bu arada İngilizce öğretmenliği de yapıyorum.
Ama sanırım 1989-90'da öğretmenlik aklımın ucundan geçmezken ve bambaşka bir meslekteyken de alıyordum benzer puanları.
İnanın sizin de zaman içinde o civarlarda puanlarınız (ortalama değil ama) olur isterseniz ve çok uğraşırsanız.
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RECENTLY şöyle bir şeydi:
The definition of security has been much debated RECENTLY, partly
Aşağıda bir soru eksik kaldı. Orada PROVIDE var mıydı, bilemiyorum. Artık hatırlamak da imkansız.
1. There is little evidence about how Buddha died/lived. HOWEVER THE AVAILABLE ONES SUGGEST THAT
2. There is a series called World at War. It has a global perspective RATHER THAN A NATIONAL OR A REGIONAL ONE.
3. In humans the size of the body and the development of motor skills GO HAND IN HAND WITH BRAIN DEVELOPMENT.
4. It is hard to understand Kafkas novels SINCE HE DOESNT EXPLAIN HIS IDEAS.
5. Ive always been surprised by the enthusiasm WITH WHICH YOUNG PEOPLE WENT OFF TO FIGHT IN WORLD WAR I
6. Alienation is a term associated with Marx SINCE IT WAS FIRST USED BY HIM.
7. OCTAVIAN WAS GIVEN THE TITLE OF AUGUSTUS when he became the first emperor of the Roman Empire.
9. Descartes thought of morality as the health of the soul, JUST AS HE THOUGHT OF PHYSICAL WELL BE-ING AS THE HEALTH OF THE BODY.
10. IN ADDITION TO MANY THEATRICAL PRODUCTIONS, Little Women also was made into TV shows,
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AVAILABLE dedi bir öğrencimiz.
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GUTENBERG HIMSELF DIDNT INVENT ANY MAJOR PART OF THE PRINTING PROCESS. Rather, he improved the Chinese system. Buna benzer bir şey idi. Bir soru hatırlattınız, sağ olunuz.
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Bu soru YÖKDİL resmi sitesinde verilen 8 sorudan birisi.
Az önce baktım, zaten diğerleri yapı olarak olmaz.
Yapıca uymaya yakın tek bir şık var. O da çok daha kötü olur anlamca.
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Cümle tamamlamadan hatırladıklarımız yukarıda. Çevirilerle ilgilenmedim
1. He had a wide ranging skills
2. He believed that animals are just complex machines and have no souls
3. He aimed to understand human nature all through his life.
1. All nations wanted to establish a lasting peace
2. The reason why they wanted peace was that the war was so devastating
3. The League of nations aimed cooperation among nations.
1. Reading is a source of knowledge
2. Analytical reading and research reading have different aims
3. The topic: reading as a device for university assignments
1. Niger took an important step towards resolving the issue between Shell and Niger
2. Ogoni people hold Shell responsible for the destruction of the environment
3. Shell rejects the claims that it causes the de-struction of the Niger Delta
1. Mudd is upset that photography has ad-vanced only technologically
2. He is upset that photography has remained the same in terms of aesthetics
3. He wishes photography to be regarded as a fine art